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July 9, 2024

The Power of Self-Care and Self-Love: Empowering YOU Podcast Episode 2

The Power of Self-Care and Self-Love: Empowering YOU Podcast Episode 2

Tammy shares her journey of overcoming trauma and bullying to become a strong and empowered woman. She discusses the impact of her mother leaving her abusive father and how it inspired her to stand up for herself and others. Tammy now works as a mindset coach, helping women break through their limiting beliefs and build confidence. She also runs an online women's boutique and hosts several Facebook groups for women to connect and support each other. Tammy emphasizes the importance of speaking up against bullies and prioritizing self-care and self-love. The conversation focuses on the importance of sharing personal stories and the impact it can have on others. It addresses the fear and hesitation that people may have in opening up about their struggles and offers encouragement to overcome those barriers. The conversation also emphasizes the significance of choosing your own family and surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people. It touches on the topic of domestic violence and the challenges faced by those who feel trapped in abusive relationships. The conversation concludes with a reminder to focus on gratitude, growth, and possibility, and to believe in oneself.