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July 9, 2024

Navigating Divorce and Finding Success Manifesting Success: Slow Down, Detach, and Surrender Empowering YOU Podcast Episode 6

Navigating Divorce and Finding Success Manifesting Success: Slow Down, Detach, and Surrender Empowering YOU Podcast Episode 6

The conversation is about Rose's journey through divorce and her path to getting her first 100K client. She shares her wake-up call after a hospital stay, her decision to work on herself, and the impact it had on her relationships. Rose emphasizes the importance of simplifying and aligning with your goals, as well as the power of learning and growth. She also discusses the value of discipline and the need to focus on the main aspects of your business. Rose is currently serving her 100K client and helping other coaches level up. In this conversation, discover the importance of not overthinking and seeking guidance when starting a business. Learning from mistakes, such as not setting up a proper business structure and not building business credit. The value of focusing on skills and delivering value to customers rather than obsessing over social media presence. The issue of scammers in the business industry and the importance of building genuine relationships instead of cold messaging. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the importance of slowing down, detaching, and surrendering in order to manifest success.